Walt Whitman High School
Class of 1974 50th Reunion
Norbert Valle
I can't believe 40 years has gone by! I hope to catch up with as many of you as possible. See you there!

I was drafted to go to Vietnam right after graduation, but enlisted in the Navy to avoid Vietnam and got my orders to Rota, Spain in June 1975 and loved all four years there. I had to serve another two years as a reservist assigned at the Pentagon in DC.

I became a mainframe computer technician after my military duty and worked for major computer firms in the DC area.

In 1985 worked for SAIC in McLean and was sent to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as a U.S. contractor for the Royal Saudi Naval Forces for three and a half years. Upon returning to the DC area in 1989, worked for other major computer firms in the DC area.

I eventually got stressed out from working long hours and shift work. I decided to move back to Spain in June 1991. I had to create my own employment by becoming an interpreter/translator and worked with real estate and finance companies to help English speaking retirees settling in Spain.

Returned to Cabin John in 2005. Have been working as a temporary contractor, working at various firms & government agencies.

Life after Walt Whitman has been great, traveling the world, new places, new adventures, new friends, but not without its obstacles and challenges. Enjoying life as a Twifty. (A twifty is a person in their fifties who acts like they're in their twenties).
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